Our People
Martín Guillermo Ávalos
+ 54 11 3990-8602 (ext. 2004)
Mr. Ávalos leads the Corporate Compliance & Business Crime Department. He has a recognized career of more than 20 years advising companies and taxpayers on tax criminal defenses, and economic criminal defenses. Throughout his career, he has intervened in a large number of tax criminal, customs, and economic processes, acting in all instances, even before the Federal Court of Criminal Cassation and the Federal Supreme Court.
Between 2019 and 2023, he served as the Provincial Tax Administrator of the Province of Santa Fe, which allowed him to acquire particular experience in local taxes and tax criminal processes.
Mr. Ávalos earned his law degree from the National University of Litoral (UNL).
Bar admissions
- Province of Santa Fe, 2002.
- City of Buenos Aires, 2022.
Capabilities (list of relevant transactions, upon request)
Corporate Compliance
Business Crime
Crisis Management
Articles and specialized contributions
- “El Impuesto a los Débitos y Créditos desde la óptica del Contribuyente”, Revista del Foro de Práctica Profesional del Colegio de Abogados de Santa Fe, Julio 2010.
- “El estatuto del contribuyente consolidado en la jurisprudencia de la CSJN”, Revista de Derecho Público, Rubinzal – Culzoni, Tomo 2008 -Derecho Tributario – I Diciembre 2007.
- “Ajuste por Inflación – Problemática y Soluciones Jurídicas”, “Agrodiario” Marzo de 2003.
- LL.B., National University of Litoral (UNL).
- M. in Tax Law, Buenos Aires University Law School (UBA).